Na zorgvuldige overweging en uitgebreid marktonderzoek hebben we met een zwaar hart besloten om de activiteiten van Lanefyld te beëindigen. We zijn tot de conclusie gekomen dat de markt voor onze diensten helaas te klein is en de benodigde investeringen te groot zijn om op een duurzame wijze verder te kunnen groeien.
We zijn ongelooflijk trots op wat we samen hebben bereikt en willen iedereen bedanken die ons op deze reis heeft ondersteund. Jullie enthousiasme en betrokkenheid waren voor ons van onschatbare waarde.
Voor eventuele vragen of meer informatie kunt u altijd contact met ons opnemen.
Met oprechte dankbaarheid,
Yff, Oprichter van Lanefyld
Within Lanefyld we have the believe that we can improve the rollator. In a world where cars have become self-driving, people meet eachother with the help of virtual reality and computers in your passenger pocket, the rollator (four-wheeled walker) has hardly changed. Lanefyld is going to change this. Therefore, we are developing two products: CLAIR and FLORA. With FLORA we want to reduce the number of accidents with rollators by using our smart braking system that always keeps an eye on things. With CLAIR we want to ensure that rehabilitation patients go home faster by analyzing their walking behavior and providing feedback to the physician and therapist. With both products we hope to enable people to continue to live at home or go home faster after hospitalization!
Technology & rollators
Falling Less by Ongoing Risk Analysis
Jaarlijks vallen er wereldwijd ongeveer 500.000 mensen met hun rollator. Dit veroorzaakt veel leed. Van deze mensen breekt 150.000 een heup. Bovendien leidt dit wereldwijd tot zo’n 5,5 miljard euro aan zorgkosten.
Om dit probleem aan te pakken, ontwikkelt Lanefyld in samenwerking met Kinetic Analysis, FLORA. FLORA monitort rollatorgebruikers met behulp van sensortechnologie en activeert de remmen wanneer dit nodig is. De ontwikkeling van FLORA wordt ondersteund door het RVO via het MIT-zuid R&D-programma.
FLORA is the "ABS" system for the rollator. The rollator is used incorrectly or unsafely in 50% of cases, which can lead to dangerous situations and falling incidents. Once a fall occurs it can have major consequences for the rollator user, such as social isolation, inability to care for oneself or, in the most serious cases, death.
To prevent dangerous situations, FLORA uses smart technology to assess whether an accident is imminent. Once the system has determined that a situation is actually dangerous it intervenes by activating the electric brakes. By activating the brakes, we provide the rollator user the time to correct themselves or, in the most severe cases, to catch them and then resume their journey in a safe manner.
In addition to safety, we value aesthetics and ease of use and are convinced that these features should always go hand in hand. This makes that all technology is incorporated in the frame and that the use of the rollator is similar to the traditional rollator.
Want to get to know FLORA?
Then register via the link below to participate in our user survey or to pre-register for when FLORA enters the market.
Contributing to healthy and mobile aging through the development of smart aids
Making rollators innovative as they were 50 years ago
- Contributing to a better world is key
- Functional design is just as important as esthetics
- Technology should always be simple and intuitive to use
The CLAIR system has been developed for geriatric (elderly) rehabilitation care. Within this form of care, it is very important that the rehabilitation patient achieves the exercise goals set by the physiotherapist. When these exercise goals are not achieved, this can have a negative impact on the recovery or the duration of the trajectory. In addition, it is important that the rehabilitation patient does not overload his legs by putting too much pressure on them, for example while recovering from a broken leg.
CLAIR is the only rollator that can provide insight into the pressure exerted on the legs and the progress in achieving the walking goals with high accuracy. With this insight, patients are motivated to keep walking in a healthy way!
Currently, there aren’t a lot of alternatives available that can easily provide the physical therapist and client with insight into the client’s exercise behavior. This lack of insight means that the client has no idea if he/she is reaching exercise targets and becomes demotivated because of the perception that no progress is being made.
CLAIR offers the physical therapist and client the opportunity to see the exercise behavior with concrete data. In addition, this insight offers the physical therapist the opportunity to intervene early if, for example, the client is not exercising enough, something that previously could only be determined during the physical contact moments.
The therapist can access the data directly from the display on the rollator or through the online dashboard. The display and dashboard are directly connected to the Lanefyld database and have the ability to provide its user with real-time data.
The online dashboard enables remote care by eliminating the need for the caregiver to physically visit the client to determine if the client is exercising enough.
Clever Analyses and Insights by rolling
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About us
27 years old have a passion for rollators. This shared passion is the reason why Lanefyld was founded.
Yff and Thijs started a rollator company separately and ran into each other by accident.
Yff started his own rollator company and focused on making the rollator safer. Through his studies he came in touch with rollators and wrote his thesis about a safety rollator concept. While writing his thesis, Yff built a prototype and presented it at the Dutch Design Week in Eindhoven. Business Insider Magazine wrote an article about Yff’s rollator invention which was published online.
Thijs noticed that there was a need for design rollators and that for some people it is a big hurdle to walk with a rollator, even if it is better for their health. He couldn’t let go of the feeling that he had to do something with this, which was reason enough for him to start his own company. During this process, he read the article about Yff’s safety rollator, which made him very enthusiastic. After reading this article, Thijs contacted Yff almost immediately to investigate the possibilities of a possible cooperation.
Because of the shared vision and the addition to each other’s characteristics, the cooperation was established and started with a new name: Lanefyld.
Contact us
When you can reach us:
- Monday — Friday 8.30am – 6pm